Jinx Videos
My campaign launch video.
My campaign launch video.
May 22, 2022 Ashterothi CSM Interview
May 1, 2022 Talking In Stations: Brave Update, John Bellicose Day and Pure Blind update
Alliance Open 2020: Jinx jams FRT's Etana and Brave wipes their fleet
My EVE Online Video Guides
My EVE Online Video Guides
YouTube guide: Nullsec Dread Ratting
‘Jedi’ Huffing
T3 Production (Also Featured on Eve Academy)
Booster Production | The only how-to video on this topic
Faction ships class
Logi 101
Fleet 101
PI 101
Mining 101
Fundraising for the Brave Dojo Videos
Fundraising for the Brave Dojo Videos
Have a Sock Puppet | Raised Money for the Brave Dojo to support newbies
Raising Money for the Brave Dojo in celebration of 7th Birthday